Why am I craving shrimp? Cravings are a desire that arises in a person and is difficult to eliminate before all of it is achieved or obtained. Usually, people crave certain foods such as cravings for corn, watermelon, and others. It turns out, that after we explore and see many sources about this, cravings are not only limited to the desire to eat but are also related to a lack of certain nutrients in the body.
In addition, cravings can also be caused by other factors such as hormonal changes, or things like stress and emotions, all of these problems affect the body to produce cravings and the desire to consume certain foods.
In addition, there are also cravings that appear suddenly because of seeing or smelling certain foods. Usually occurs when we see or smell the aroma of food that we like or something we have experienced in the past and gives a lasting impression in the heart. For example, you smell the aroma of shrimp-based food, and you have been addicted to the food in the past, then when you see or smell it, your instincts quickly say that this shrimp food is delicious and you fall into a situation called “shrimp cravings”.
In this article, we will look at at least 10 reasons why am I or you craving shrimp. Is it because of its delicious taste or because shrimp is a healthy food? and so on, let’s check the reasons one by one.
10 Reasons Why You Craving Shrimp
1. Protein Deficiency
Why am I craving shrimp? It turns out that one of the reasons is very unexpected, it is related to shrimp nutrition which is rich in protein. When our body lacks high-quality protein like that found in shrimp, our body will produce extraordinary cravings, and a high desire to consume shrimp so that the body is fulfilled with protein nutrition. This is very unique and extraordinary.
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acid Needs
Shrimp cravings can also occur because our body lacks omega-3, and shrimp is one type of food that contains omega-3. This is an important nutrient for heart and brain health. So, when you feel a shrimp craving, it is possible that you are experiencing a lack of omega 3 in your body. So, your body produces a desire to eat shrimp.
3. Lack of Important Minerals (Zinc and Selenium)
Then, shrimp is seafood that is rich in zinc and selenium. Both are important minerals in strengthening the body’s immune system and maintaining thyroid function. So, it is also possible that when you crave shrimp, it is a sign that you need selenium and zinc for your health.
4. Craving shrimp due to hormonal changes
Women approaching menstruation or pregnant women often experience hormonal changes, and this triggers cravings for seafood such as shrimp cravings. Why is that, one of the reasons is because the body needs additional nutrition to support changes in the body’s physiology.
5. Need for Vitamin B12
Shrimp is also a food rich in vitamin B12, the benefits of vitamin B12 are to produce red blood cells and are good for nerve health. If you lack this vitamin, your body can experience fatigue and at that time your body craves seafood that is rich in nutrients such as shrimp cravings.
6. Psychological and Emotional Influences
There are also other reasons behind shrimp cravings, such as stress and emotions such as emotional memories of certain foods in the past. For example, in the past there were pleasant memories with shrimp or other seafood so that the body gave rise to extraordinary cravings.
7. The Body Needs Iodine
Craving shrimp can also be a sign that the body is lacking iodine. Shrimp contains iodine, which is important for thyroid health, so when the body is deficient in iodine, the body will pump up cravings for foods that contain iodine, especially iodine-rich foods that have been consumed before.
8. Like the taste and texture
The taste of shrimp is very pleasant, savory, and unique. This can be the main reason why someone craves it, especially if the person likes seafood.
9. Need for Fast Energy
People who are weak and losing energy, really need a supply of nutrients to replace lost energy. Shrimp is one of the foods that is rich in nutrients and low in calories, making it a healthy alternative to supply the latest energy for the body. So, when you lose energy, sometimes you crave shrimp to eat. This is not the sea but the nutrients you need in shrimp.
10. Media Exposure and Environment
Cravings for shrimp or other foods such as cravings for apples, craving pineapple, or craving corn can also be influenced by the media and environment. For example, someone who has tasted the deliciousness of durian, then when he sees an advertisement about durian fruit flesh, he immediately craves and wants to eat it immediately. Likewise with people who craving shrimp, when you see an advertisement that describes and informs about the deliciousness of shrimp dishes, they immediately want to devour it with pleasure.
This can also happen when you see shrimp dishes on social media or other places or even in your environment.
When you craving shrimp, there must be certain factors that influence it, whether it is currently happening, in the past or because of emotions and the environment. So, when you have a craving, you should listen to what your body wants, this is good for your health because one of the big reasons behind shrimp cravings is that the body is lacking nutrients. However, what you have to remember is, consume it only within reasonable limits and do not overdo it.
FAQs about Craving Shrimp
1. What are the main causes of shrimp cravings?
The main cause of shrimp cravings can be a lack of nutrients such as protein, omega-3, zinc, and iodine, all of which are provided by shrimp. It can also be caused by hormonal changes, psychological or because of past pleasurable habits.
2. Does shrimp cravings indicate a deficiency of certain nutrients?
Yes, shrimp cravings can be a sign that you are lacking certain nutrients such as iodine, protein, and vitamin B12. But it is not absolute, because it could also be just a form of you liking its delicious taste or rich texture.
3. Is shrimp craving a sign of pregnancy?
It is undeniable that pregnant women sometimes crave shrimp, but this does not mean that every woman who craves shrimp is pregnant. Shrimp cravings in pregnant women can be due to hormonal changes in the body or because of the body’s increased demand for the nutrients in shrimp.
4. Is it safe to consume large amounts of shrimp when you crave it?
No, even if you are craving, you still have to pay attention to your portion size. Consuming too much shrimp can cause cholesterol and other things, so just consume it within normal limits and not excessively.
5. How to overcome shrimp cravings if you are on a diet or have allergies?
If you are craving shrimp while on a diet to lose weight, then you have to pay attention to how to cook the shrimp. Shrimp is a high-calorie food, and if cooked in a certain way, it can add more calories which can contribute to unwanted weight gain. So, choose shrimp that is cooked by grilling or steaming.
If you are allergic to shrimp, then stay away from shrimp. You can consume other foods to get nutrients like those in shrimp. For example, replace it with chicken, fish, or nuts.
6. Are there certain medical conditions that cause someone to often craving shrimp?
Yes, someone with thyroid disorders sometimes often craves shrimp. It is because the person lacks iodine and zinc and both are found in shrimp. However, pay attention to your body’s rhythm and your cravings, if they continue, you should contact a doctor.
Craving Shrimp is not strange and unnatural, but this is a common thing. This craving is influenced by many factors, starting from nutritional needs such as the need for protein, omega-3, zinc, and others. It can be due to psychological or hormonal factors and can even be influenced by media factors, the environment, and eating habits.
Even if you have cravings, you should pay attention to the portion of shrimp so that it is not excessive which can trigger many other bad effects. If shrimp cravings occur repeatedly, maybe your body is lacking certain nutrients. In order not to eat too much shrimp, you can replace it. Yes, replace it with other foods that contain protein, omega-3, zinc, and others.